Black Families Travel, Too!

Nina Washington
8 min readJan 21, 2020

An interview with Kerna-Leigh Mason on the importance of traveling.

US Navy Commander Cornelius Mason, wife, Mrs. Kerna-Leigh Mason, and their two daughters at the Sticky Waterfalls in Thailand.

“To me, travel experiences are more gratifying when shared with loved ones. Since travel has been important to me, by extension, it is important to us as a family.”

This article almost didn’t happen. Twice. One week earlier, my travel companions ventured off to Chiang Mai Thailand’s Bua Tong “Sticky” Waterfalls (do yourself a favor and Google it ) on a day when “I just didn’t feel like it”. However, as the days passed, and my time in Chiang Mai dwindled to days on the order of single digits, I started to feel like I might regret my decision. So I booked a private Sticky Waterfalls Airbnb excursion, packed my swimsuit, slathered on some SPF 50 and embarked on another adventure.

As I was nearing the end of the waterfall, I noticed a beautiful black family — mom, dad and two adorable school-aged girls. I greeted them with the suppressed excitement and “play it cool” demeanor many black travelers practice when we encounter one another abroad. On the inside, though, my heart was full and physically pounding with excitement! This was the FIRST black family I’d seen traveling together since I’d left the States in July 2019! What was their story? How long had they been in



Nina Washington

World Traveler. Peds Rheumie doc. Lover of life & its lessons. I write to inspire, entertain, and educate! Follow on IG: @docwash11